The Campus Harvest Food Pantry offers free bags of non-perishable/shelf-stable groceries, fresh produce, snacks, menstrual products, hygiene products, and diapers/wipes to currently enrolled students, faculty, and staff. The Food Pantry has also published a cookbook with easy-to-prepare, healthy recipes that use ingredients most commonly donated to the pantry for students facing food insecurities.

Location and Hours

group of students mark cans with donation dateThe Food Pantry is located in Phillips (Building 3), room 3-110. Our schedule follows the Academic Calendar (i.e. if the college is closed, we are closed). Otherwise, our hours are as follows:

  • Snacks: Monday – Thursday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
  • Grocery shopping: Wednesdays and Thursdays, Noon – 6:00 p.m.  

Email sends email) for additional information about our grocery pick-up and food assistance at Durham Tech or complete a Food Pantry Request(link is external).

How to Donate to the Food Pantry


We appreciate donations of non-perishable/shelf-stable groceries, fresh produce, snacks, menstrual products, hygiene products, and diapers/wipes. They can be dropped off at the Pantry in the Phillips Building (Building 3), Room 3-110. Please be sure items are in good condition and have not expired. 

Most Needed Items:

  • Heat-N-Eat Meals: Noodle cups, mac & cheese cups, microwavable meals
  • Snack Items: Granola bars, pop-tarts, nuts, fruit snacks, any individually packaged snack items
  • Soup: Hearty soups, Progresso or chili 
  • Canned Beans: Pinto, garbanzo, great northern, kidney
  • Canned Fruit: peaches, pineapples, fruit cocktail
  • Juice Boxes or Gatorade 
  • Hygiene Items: Toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, lotion, deodorant 
  • Menstrual Products: Pads, panty liners, tampons 

Community Food Resources

Black Farmer's Market logo with a hand thrust in the air holding tightly to an ear of cornDurham Tech will host the Black Farmers’ Market(link is external) every other Sunday, rain or shine, in the Main Campus parking lot. The market is open to the public and features locally-grown produce. There will also be cooking demonstrations, family entertainment, music, and food trucks. Join us on our journey to create a strong Black-led food system right in the heart of NC. Beginning in April 2024 on the 1st & 3rd Sundays of the month.

Food and Nutrition Services (FNS) Benefits (also known as SNAP or Food Stamps)(link is external)

Not sure if you are eligible? Complete an assistance form(link is external) and a Benefits Outreach Coordinator with the Food Bank of Central and Eastern NC will call you to check eligibility and complete your application over the phone in just 10-15 minutes!

Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)

WIC is a food assistance program for pregnant or breastfeeding mothers and children up to age five)

No Kid Hungry North Carolina

No Kid Hungry(link is external) provides information about food resources when people text FOODNC to 877-877.

Durham County Food Resources
Orange County Food Resources

Jessica Zettlemoyer holds a big check for $5,000NC Collegiate Hunger Challenge Winner

Congratulations to Jessica Zettlemoyer for winning First-in-Sector in the NC Collegiate Hunger Challenge. Due to her effort and contribution, Durham Tech was awarded $5,000 to go towards the Campus Harvest Food Pantry. Read more about this accomplishment below: